Body composition in Iranian boys with autism spectrum disorders
The aim of this study was to assess body composition of boys with autism and also to investigate the association of demographic factors, autism severity and drug therapy with their body composition. We recruited 85 boys aged 7-14 years by stratifi ed random sampling in autism-specifi c schools in Tehran. Body composition was measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis. The study revealed that 9.4% of participants were underweight and 47.3% were suff ering from overweight and obesity. The mean total body fat percentage and fat mass index were 23.46% and 4.8, respectively. A high rate of obesity was found in Iranian children and adolescents with autism. Furthermore, boys whose mothers had higher educational levels may have less chance of being within the normal weight ranges in comparison with sons of lower-educated mothers (p=0.002), while father’s educational level had no eff ect on the child’s body mass index. In conclusion, a high prevalence of overweight and obesity was observed in Iranian male children and adolescents suff ering from autism according to their body mass index and body fat percentage.Keywords: autistic disorder; body composition; demography; body mass index
Category: Original scientific paper
Volume: Vol. 59, No 3, july - september 2015
Authors: H. Salehi, M. R. Aghanoori, S. Shahmohammadlu, B. Hosseini, Sh. E. Mitchell, M. Mahmudi, K. Djafarian
Reference work: Paediatr Croat. 2015;59:159-65