
The first issue appeared in October 1956 under the name BILTEN (Bulletin), then as ARHIV ZA ZAŠTITU MAJKE I DJETETA (Archives of Maternal and Child Care). The main task of the journal was to inform pediatricians and physicians of all specialties involved in children's care on the fundamental problems of the profession as well as on up-to-date scientific advances in the field of maternal and child care.

Since 1993, the journal has been united with the journal JUGOSLAVENSKA PEDIJATRIJA to become the official periodical of the Croatian Pediatric Society, Croatian Society of School and University Medicine, and Croatian Societies of Pediatric Orthopedics, Pediatric Surgery, Ophthalmology, Intensive Medicine, Psychology and Psychiatry, then changing its name into PAEDIATRIA CROATICA. It is a scientific-professional journal publishing original scientific papers, review articles and professional papers on the child's development, pathology and health care, from prenatal period to full biological, mental and social maturity. The papers appear in Croatian language with a summary in English or in English with a summary in Croatian; particular issues are printed exclusively in English language. Abstracts from the Croatian Pediatric Society and Croatian Society of School and University Medicine conferences are printed as the journal supplements. A supplement containing lectures held at the Croatian Spring School of Pediatrics is printed every year.


In the inaugural 1956 issue of the journal, the editor Dr Feđa Fischer Sartorius outlined the journal's vision and objectives saying that the journal will publish original papers on the development, pathology, and health care of children from the prenatal period to their final biological, emotional and social maturity. The journal continues this vision by publishing original research articles, clinical and laboratory observations, case reports and reviews of medical progress in pediatrics and child health. The journal also publishes positions of the Croatian Pediatric Society and Croatian Society of School and University Medicine, commentaries, letters to the Editor, and Supplements. Contributions relevant to pediatrics from the disciplines such as surgery, dentistry, nutrition, psychology, psychiatry, child health services, public health, clinical genetics, basic sciences, education, and sociology are also included.
PAEDIATRIA CROATICA serves as a practical guide for continuing education of pediatricians, but also for authors and readers of other medical professions who diagnose and treat disorders in infants and children.

Information for Authors

Please see the information under the AUTHORS GUIDELINES for information about submitting a manuscript, letter, commentary or supplement.
Authors may also track the progress of their submitted manuscripts online by accessing OJS (http://www.paedcro.com/ojs/). Please direct other editorial inquiries to:

Martina Nigović, Secretary
Children's University Hospital Zagreb
Klaiceva 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, or
e-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Permissions Policy

Requests to reproduce or adapt material from articles copyrighted in PAEDIATRIA CROATICA should be directed to Editorial Board.